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February 4th is World Cancer Day, an annual campaign organized by the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) to raise awareness about cancer, encourage its prevention, and mobilize action to address the global cancer epidemic. February 2025 marks UICC’s launch of a three-year campaign called “United by Unique,” which seeks to place people at the center of care and their stories at the heart of the conversation. TogetHER is proud to partner with UICC, and we’re grateful for their strong advocacy for cervical cancer prevention and support for the global effort to end this preventable killer of women everywhere. We understand…
More...On World Cancer Day We Are United by Unique World Cancer Day | UICC Spotlight Piece | New LInkedIn Group Dear Supporter, February 4th is World Cancer Day, an annual campaign organized by the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) to raise awareness about cancer, encourage its prevention, and mobilize action to address the global cancer epidemic. February 2025 marks UICC’s launch of a three-year campaign called “United by Unique,” which seeks to place people at the center of care and their stories at the heart of the conversation. TogetHER is proud to partner with UICC, and we’re grateful for…
More...January is Cervical Cancer Awareness Month. Let’s Prioritize Women’s Health. Cervical Cancer Awareness Month | Our New Voices TogetHER Series | Standing For Cervical Cancer Elimination With the Commonwealth | Us vs HPV Week Dear Supporter, Every January, TogetHER for Health joins our partners in commemorating Cervical Cancer Awareness Month, a time to inform others about the importance of cervical health, celebrate progress towards global cervical cancer elimination, and raise our collective voice to hold decision makers accountable to commitments – or lack thereof – to increase access to the vaccines, screening and early treatment that can save women’s lives…
More...Cervical cancer is the first cancer we can end for all time. Ending this threat to women’s health is possible by scaling up three cervical health interventions by 2030: In November of 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) launched its global cervical cancer elimination strategy based on these three pillars. WHO modeling showed that scaling up these three interventions to targeted levels could prevent almost 40 million cervical cancer cases and save over 35 million lives within a century. To contrast, in a ‘status quo scenario’ cervical cancer cases will rise to 948,000 annually by 2050, with 543,000 women dying…
More...9 January, 2025 Every January, TogetHER for Health joins our partners in commemorating Cervical Cancer Awareness Month, a time to inform others about the importance of cervical health, celebrate progress towards global cervical cancer elimination, and raise our collective voice to hold decision makers accountable to commitments – or lack thereof – to increase access to the vaccines, screening and early treatment that can save women’s lives from this preventable cancer. You’ll see a lot of statements this month lead with the dire statistics. In 2022 – the most recent year for which we have data – roughly 660,000 women…
More...Subscribe to our newsletter here! December 23, 2024 Support Cervical Cancer Elimination with a Year-End Gift Happy Holidays from TogetHER for Health Dear Supporter, As we approach the end of 2024, we at TogetHER for Health want to express our deep gratitude to our many partners and fellow champions for cervical cancer elimination as we reflect on our work this past year. No matter what form it takes, support for our work is making a difference in the global fight against this preventable killer of women. Our small but mighty team is proud of our accomplishments in 2024, including: The…
More...1 December 2024 On World AIDS Day – December 1st – we celebrate the tremendous progress made in the global fight against HIV/AIDS while reflecting on the millions of lives lost and how to ensure access to prevention, testing, and treatment to all in need. It’s also an important day to take stock of progress on global commitments to end HIV/AIDS – which inspired a similar evidence-based global strategy to eliminate cervical cancer as a public health problem. The deadly relationship between cervical cancer and HIV/AIDS is well-documented. Women living with HIV are up to six times more likely to…
More...Subscribe to our newsletter here! World AIDS Day is December 1st – an Important Day for Cervical Cancer Advocates. World AIDS Day | Webinar on December 12 | UICC Grants Winners Dear Supporter, On World AIDS Day – December 1st – we celebrate the tremendous progress made in the global fight against HIV/AIDS while reflecting on the millions of lives lost and how to ensure access to prevention, testing, and treatment to all in need. It’s also an important day to take stock of progress on global commitments to end HIV/AIDS – which inspired a similar evidence-based global strategy to…
More...15 November, 2024 On November 17th, 2020, Member States of the World Health Organization approved a Global Strategy to Eliminate Cervical Cancer as a Public Health Problem. The Strategy calls for the global scale-up of three core prevention activities: The structure of the Strategy can be summarized as providing lifetime protection for today’s girls against cervical cancer later in life, while ensuring that today’s adult women – the great majority of whom are unvaccinated – can access screening and lifesaving treatment services. Achieving these targets is a matter of life-or-death, for far too many. The most recent annual data from…
More...An Executive Summary of this report is now available. Click here to access. Can Pooled Procurement Mechanisms Get Us Closer to Cervical Cancer Elimination? September 26, 2024 Cervical cancer elimination is an achievable goal that hinges on getting women access to proven prevention interventions: HPV vaccination, high-performance screening, and timely treatment. But access itself depends heavily on the affordability and the availability of these interventions in a region. Molecular diagnostics for HPV have proven to be far more accurate than more widespread visual methods such as cytology and visual inspection with acetic acid, while also requiring less frequent screening and…
More...1 August, 2024 Each time TogetHER for Health launches a Request for Proposals under our Cervical Cancer Grants Program, we are inspired by the breadth and quality of the programs seeking to improve their capacity to provide access to cervical cancer prevention in low- and middle-income countries. This year, we weren’t just inspired – we were overwhelmed. 288 proposals. Programs in 44 countries. That’s almost five times what we received just last year, an astonishing response that required us to delay our funding decision in order to give each of these submissions the review they deserve, in collaboration with a…
More...22 April, 2024 Update – Update: TogetHER for Health announced the grantees for our 2024-2025 Cervical Cancer Grants Program funding round on August 1st, 2024. Click here to learn more! TogetHER’s Cervical Cancer Grants Program aims to provide small, highly targeted grants addressing demand and supply barriers that prevent access to the life-saving cervical cancer prevention services in low- or middle-income countries (LMICs). These catalytic investments directly improve the lives of girls and women and trigger systemic health improvements such as policy changes, regulatory approvals, and the development of tools and strategies adaptable across the health system. TogetHER is currently accepting submissions from…
More...April 11, 2024 Update: We announced the grantees for our 2024-2025 Cervical Cancer Grants Program funding round on August 1st, 2024. Click here to learn more! Recently announced funding commitments and the launch of new partnerships signal new momentum in the effort to end cervical cancer as a global health threat. If applied effectively, these new resources will make a huge difference in implementing lifesaving cervical cancer prevention programs expanding access to HPV vaccination, cervical screening and early treatment for cervical disease. Maximizing the impact of cervical cancer prevention resources – especially in low-resource settings – hinges on deploying newer, more…
More...March 19, 2024 For TogetHER for Health and others working to make the global elimination of cervical cancer a reality, 2023 represented a year filled with reminders that no single organization will achieve this ambitious goal alone. This spirit of collaboration resulted in exciting developments and the formation of new partnerships and initiatives dedicated to ending this preventable cancer. Learn more in TogetHER’s 2023 Year in Review, summarizing our efforts to change the unacceptable status quo in which far too many women continue to be diagnosed with cervical cancer globally, resulting in 349,000 preventable deaths every year. 2023 saw TogetHER’s…
More...14 March, 2024 On March 5, 2024, during the inaugural Global Cervical Cancer Elimination Forum, several global partners announced $590 million USD in new financial commitments to further cervical cancer prevention globally. These resources include commitments from the World Bank and the Global Financing Facility (GFF), the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and UNICEF. Further commitments made by partner organizations and by countries themselves at the Forum in in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, underscore growing momentum to achieve the targets articulated in the World Health Organization’s global cervical cancer elimination strategy: This commitment to cervical cancer elimination is a watershed…
More...March 4, 2024 For World AIDS Day 2023, AVAC and TogetHER for Health released a joint call to action urging global leadership in expanding access to HPV vaccination for people living with HIV. Low rates of vaccination put this vulnerable population at enhanced risk for cervical cancer. Today on HPV Awareness Day, 29 organizations have joined our efforts in recognition of these interlinked global health emergencies, calling on global bodies to take overdue action to address unacceptably low rates of HPV vaccination in people living with HIV. International HPV Awareness Day marks an opportunity to raise awareness on the importance of preventing,…
More...January 29, 2024 On January 25, 2024, cervical cancer experts, advocates, and survivors gathered at the White House in Washington, D.C. for a Cervical Cancer Forum organized by the Biden Cancer Moonshot team. This event featured a wide array of representatives for both U.S.-focused cervical cancer prevention efforts and global initiatives whose efforts align with the Biden Cancer Moonshot’s two primary goals: to prevent more than 4 million cancer deaths by 2047 and to improve the experience of people who are touched by cancer. Following a panel focused on efforts to prevent and treat cervical cancer in the United States,…
More...TogetHER for Health ended our year counting down our 10 most impactful activities of 2023. Here’s our final list! #10 – Meet TogetHER for Health! In 2023, we launched our new promo video as well as an updated version of our Impact Report! #9 – Staff Spotlights! The team enjoyed giving our stakeholders an opportunity to get to know us a bit better. Links to each of our spotlights can be found on our team page! #8 – Operation Wipe Out Keeps Growing! TogetHER and our other Operation Wipe Out partners worked to build awareness of cervical cancer in Alabama…
More...December 1, 2023 by Mitchell Warren, Executive Director of AVAC, and Heather White, Executive Director of TogetHER for Health. HIV/AIDS and cervical cancer are two global health emergencies that impact millions around the world – and unfortunately, the relationship does not end there. The dire synergy between HIV/AIDS and cervical cancer can be expressed in some startling statistics: Additionally, HIV/AIDS and cervical cancer share many barriers to effective prevention, treatment, and care. Efforts to provide services to address both diseases are beset with social stigma and misinformation. Due to their elevated risk of disease, women living with HIV, and those…
More...November 28, 2023 TogetHER for Health has joined with colleagues from the University of Alabama at Birmingham, Alabama’s Department of Public Health, the Rotary Clubs of Birmingham and LaFayette, and a host of other partners to launch Operation Wipe Out, a collaboration aiming to tackle Alabama’s disproportionately high rates of cervical cancer – some of the highest in the United States. Operation Wipe Out has been working tirelessly to engage communities, build a network across public, private, and academic sectors, and make cervical cancer prevention a priority. For a great example, watch our recent video profiling Ms. Linda Hayes, an…