TogetHER’s 2021 Year in Review

February 16, 2022

For all of us partnering to make the elimination of cervical cancer a reality, 2021 was the year that vision took shape following the launch of the Global Strategy to Accelerate the Elimination of Cervical Cancer by the World Health Organization in November of 2020.

For TogetHER, 2021 was a year of action to drive progress to fulfill the WHO global elimination strategy, from the development and launch of an innovative cervical health advocacy campaign borne from our collaboration with Scope Impact in Kenya, to the launch of an exciting new round of funding through our Cervical Cancer Grants Program, to building consensus for the modernization of cervical cancer screening and treatment through support of global donors.

Our 2021 Year in Review provides an overview of the past year’s activities and accomplishments. It’s also a great opportunity for readers to familiarize themselves with our Scale Up-Scale Out-Scale Deep approach, as well as with the critical partnerships that power our efforts.

Looking back on the accomplishments of the past year energizes us for the challenges ahead. We’re not going to let up in 2022, with so many barriers to ending cervical cancer remaining. Insufficient resources. The need for political commitment to translate into targeted action. Stigma and limited awareness. Continued disruptions from the protracted COVID-19 pandemic. Too many girls and women remain at risk of this preventable disease, and our work’s not done until that risk is no longer a threat.

As our name implies, we won’t – and literally can’t – do it alone. We’re grateful for the collaborations that have sustained our field in these recent years and can’t wait to continue to expand our list of partners and cervical cancer champions in the year to come.