Nurses Lead the Introduction of New Cervical Cancer Prevention Tools in Botswana
Cervical cancer is the most common cancer among women in Botswana, and is the most common cause of cancer death in the small nation of 2.3 million people, regardless of gender. Women in Botswana face multiple barriers to cervical cancer prevention despite important efforts to provide universal access to cervical cancer screening and to scale up vaccination against HPV.
TogetHER member Jhpiego has been working closely with Botswana’s influential network of nurses to test new and more acceptable forms of cervical cancer screening and treatment. TogetHER’s newest case study describes how garnering the perspectives of women has guided the assessment and rollout of HPV testing of self-sampling, which allows for greater privacy even as it reduces the burden on both women and health providers. The case study also highlights Jhpiego’s support for increased uptake of thermal ablation as a more portable means to treat precancerous lesions.
Finally, a special section of the case study focuses on how Botswana’s cervical cancer prevention providers are seeking to sustain services during the COVID-19 pandemic with creative approaches bolstered by a fierce commitment to saving lives.
Case Study: Botswana’s Fight Against Cervical Cancer: Nurses Leading the Way to Support Girls and Women
More on Jhpiego’s cervical cancer program in Botswana, can be found here.
Photo credit: Kate Holt/Jhpiego