HPV Awareness Day 2024: Scale Up HPV Vaccination in People Living With HIV
March 4, 2024
For World AIDS Day 2023, AVAC and TogetHER for Health released a joint call to action urging global leadership in expanding access to HPV vaccination for people living with HIV. Low rates of vaccination put this vulnerable population at enhanced risk for cervical cancer.
Today on HPV Awareness Day, 29 organizations have joined our efforts in recognition of these interlinked global health emergencies, calling on global bodies to take overdue action to address unacceptably low rates of HPV vaccination in people living with HIV.
International HPV Awareness Day marks an opportunity to raise awareness on the importance of preventing, screening, diagnosing, and treating HPV and HPV-related diseases including cervical cancer. This day of advocacy also provides an opportunity to highlight the needs of people living with HIV meet global HIV and HPV targets – the 95-95-95 HIV treatment goals set by UNAIDS and the 90-70-90 cervical cancer elimination goals set forth by the World Health Organization.
To drive improvements in HPV vaccine coverage for people living with HIV, the global community must:
- Assess the current status of HPV vaccination among girls and women living with HIV.
- Create evidence-based HPV vaccination strategies for people living with HIV.
- Build the evidence base supporting HPV dosing schedules for people living with HIV.
The alignment of HIV/AIDS and cervical cancer targets reflects an evidence-based understanding that ending preventable deaths from these two diseases is best done in tandem. We know that effective plans supported by sufficient political and financial support can achieve these goals – saving millions of lives.

- American Sexual Health Association
- Cancer Awareness, Prevention and Early Detection Trust (CAPED)
- Cervivor, Inc.
- Clinton Health Access Initiative
- Coalition of Women Living with HIV and AIDS (COWLHA) in Malawi
- CureCervicalCancer
- DARE Organization
- Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation
- EngenderHealth
- Frontline AIDS
- Global HPV Consortium
- Global Initiative Against HPV and Cervical Cancer (GIAHC)
- Go Doc Go
- Grounds for Health
- International Planned Parenthood Foundatoin
- Jhpiego
- Malawi Network of Religious Leaders Living with or Personally Affected by HIV and AIDS (MANERELA+)
- My Age Zimbabwe
- National Cervical Cancer Coalition
- Network Of Journalists Living with HIV (JONEHA)
- Pathfinder
- Population Services International (PSI)
- Sabin Vaccine Institute
- Tanzania Network of Women Living with HIV and AIDS (TNW+)
- TogetHER for Health
- Treatment Action Group
- Union for International Cancer Control
- Women’s Coalition Against Cancer – (WOCACA)